Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

The best interior design schools are generally the ones which have the most graduates and most successful employment rate on completion of courses. Naturally it can be difficult to access this type of information as it is often considered confidential, but you will find top rating schools boasting about their graduation rate and this can be a good way to find a great school. There are more and more schools offering interior design classes than ever before and this is due to the rising interest in this field. People enjoy spending money redesigning their homes, and business and the commercial sector are in an ongoing need for creative and talented interior designers. This results in an abundance of opportunities for you after you complete your interior design certification. What do interior designers do? Interior designers have a goal of creating functional areas out of spaces in buildings. They design environments for living, working and functioning according to the needs of the client. Graduate interior designers can find work in architectural firms or as a freelance interior designer. Some speciality areas of expertise for interior designers include:

- Kitchen and bathroom design
- Lighting 
- Retail store design 
- Office planning 
- Health care planning 
- Universities and schools 
- Historic locations

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Best Interior Design Schools

Interior designers by nature must be creative people. Although most of the skills can be learned at interior design schools, creativity generally comes naturally to someone choosing interior design as a career. Creative skills that will be studied in school include color choices and compatibility, textures, space, cultures, materials and more. The best interior design schools provide a variety of general courses and courses that are aimed at qualified designers who want to become an expert on a particular aspect of interior design. Most people start with an associate or bachelor degree in interior design before embarking upon a speciality subject of study, generally after gaining some employment experience. Some schools offer interior design apprenticeships which let you study and work at the same time. This provides excellent practical experience so that you can more easily understand that theory that is taught in school. It will also give you excellent opportunity for employment on completion of your apprenticeship, with most people staying on in their current employer. If you enjoy manipulating space and can see yourself creating outstanding indoor environments then an interior design career is for you. Make sure you research interior design schools before deciding on the one that best meets your needs.